Pre-Columbian Society of Washington DC

The Pre-Columbian Society of Washington, D.C. (PCSWDC), is an educational organization dedicated to furthering knowledge and understanding of the peoples of the Americas before the time of Columbus. Founded in 1993, the Society provides a forum for the exchange of information regarding these pre-Columbian cultures between academic professionals and interested members of the public.


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Adventures in Pre-Columbian Studies: Essays in Honor of Elizabeth P. Benson is a 209-page paperback book published by the Pre-Columbian Society.

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Elizabeth P. Benson (1924-2018) was a remarkable scholar who advanced our understanding and appreciation of the pre-Columbian world. She not only created the Pre-Columbian Studies Program at Dumbarton Oaks in Washington, D.C., but she organized the first Maya hieroglyphic study group in the U.S., and in her own research, refined the ways in which iconography and cross-cultural studies can be used to explore the ancient American past. This 209-page paperback book is an outgrowth of the proceedings of the 2006 symposium convened by the Pre-Columbian Society to honor her career and achievements. The book contains 8 chapters written by professional colleagues: Julie Jones, Peter G. and Amy W. Roe, Steve Bourget, Justin Kerr, Esther Pasztory, Alana Cordy-Collins, and Betty Benson herself. Written in a style accessible to any level of interest, this volume covers the New World landscape from current day Mexico to the Andesn and touches on the ancient Maya, Moche, Olmec, Paracas, Aztec, and Chavin cultures. It contains nearly 100 images and illustrations, more than 60 of which are in color.

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