Pre-Columbian Society of Washington DC

The Pre-Columbian Society of Washington, D.C. (PCSWDC), is an educational organization dedicated to furthering knowledge and understanding of the peoples of the Americas before the time of Columbus. Founded in 1993, the Society provides a forum for the exchange of information regarding these pre-Columbian cultures between academic professionals and interested members of the public.

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Archaeological Investigations Under the National Historic Preservation Act

Alexis Clark, MA, Advisory Council on Historic Preservation

Archaeological surveys and excavations performed under the requirements of the National Historic Preservation Act’s Section 106 make up most of the archaeological research performed in the United States today. But what is this piece of legislation, when is it required, and how does it work to protect archaeological sites? This presentation will provide an introduction to the nation’s commitment to archaeological site preservation and an overview of how sites are protected under Section 106.  It will offer an understanding of when it applies and how it compares to other federal laws in place to protect archaeological sites. Following the review of the process, we will look at several case studies that highlight preservation successes through Section 106.

Alexis Clark is a Historic Preservation Specialist at the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation. She is responsible for the Section 106 case review for an assortment of agencies, including the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Air National Guard, Bureau of Reclamation, the Presidio Trust, and U.S. Department of Agriculture agencies providing federal assistance. She is a graduate of The George Washington University with a MA in Anthropology and BA in Archaeology, where her research focused on Mesoamerican archaeology.

The July monthly lecture will be hosted in person as well as virtually. The meeting will be held in the lecture theatre of the Charles Sumner School Museum and Archives, located at M and 17th Streets, NW, Washington, D.C. Photo ID is required to enter the building. Doors to the in-person meeting will open around 6:30 PM and light refreshments will be available before the lecture.

For those of you who cannot make it to the Sumner School in person, the lecture will be live streamed via Zoom but you must pre-register to attend virtually. To register, click HERE.

All monthly lecture meetings of the Pre-Columbian Society are free and open to the public.

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